January 2022 was the coldest in Westfield since 2015 and average residential natural gas usage increased in response. This in conjunction with ongoing global supply issues is likely to create unwelcome totals on current customer bills.

“The Westfield Gas + Electric energy supply team works diligently all year long to put customers in a good position, even when the market and weather are unfavorable,” notes General Manager Tom Flaherty, Sr. “We know that consumption and current bills are higher than expected given the cold weather.” To help you prepare, WG+E has been informing customers over the last few months with notices on our website and social media, as well as emails, bill notices, and newspaper articles.

Even during this time, WG+E rates remain below the state averages for both gas and electric service. Westfield’s average electric rate of $0.1528/kWh is half the cost of investor-owned utilities like Eversource and National Grid who are charging near $0.30/kWh and more. WG+E’s average $1.77/Ccf for February natural gas is on par with the average municipal winter rate and 7.3% below the average IOU rate of $1.91/Ccf. Ratepayers in other utilities are paying as high as $2.40/Ccf on average for their winter gas. Finally, for those who heat with oil, comparable costs are $2.45/Ccf assuming oil at $3.44/gallon.

It is not too late to start using energy more efficiently and reduce your next bill. WG+E customer service can also assist with setting up a payment plan or other financial assistance options.

  1. Use energy more efficiently.
    Control energy use and reduce your monthly bills by using energy wisely.
    · Insulate doors and windows

    · Purchase energy-efficient appliances

    · Install automatic set-back thermostats

    · Schedule a FREE home energy audit at 1-844-403-7960

    · Make an appointment to get your furnace inspected (call WG+E at 572-0100)

  2. Apply for assistance paying your energy bills.
    WG+E continues to work with various agencies to assist residential customers in financial need. Call WG+E at 572-0100 to find out if you may qualify for any fuel assistance options.
  3. Sign up for a budget payment plan.
    Spread out natural gas and electric payments over a 10-month period to avoid the spikes that winter heating bills could bring. Call the WG+E customer service team at 413-572-0100 to get started.